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Violin making schools directory

In our violin making schools directory you will find the right school for violin making to professionalise or further your education. There are a variety of training options in violin making. There are violin making schools with a full-time apprenticeship, apprenticeships with block lessons in violin making schools and simultaneous apprenticeship in a violin making workshop, violin making studies or various courses for professional violin makers with specialisations in sub-areas.

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Violin making schools EU

Musikinstrumentenbauschule Mittenwald

Schöttlkarstraße 17, 82481 Mittenwald, Germany

"The Staatliche Berufs- und Berufsfachschule Mittenwald is a modern educational centre that makes an important contribution to the preservation and further development of this interesting profession through the contemporary teaching of traditional knowledge and innovative processes in the field of musical instrument making."

Berufs- und Berufsfachschule “Vogtländischer Musikinstrumentenbau Klingenthal”

Amtsberg 12, 08248 Klingenthal, Germany

"The vocational school "Vogtländischer Musikinstrumentenbau" is a state school in the Free State of Saxony in the Federal Republic of Germany. Following the Vogtland tradition of musical instrument making for over 300 years, we provide training in the vocational areas of violin making, plucked instrument making (guitar making), bow making, hand draw instrument making (accordion making), metal wind instrument making as well as woodwind instrument making in the various school types."

Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau "Studiengang Musikinstrumentenbau"

Kornmarkt 1, 08056 Zwickau, Germany

"The degree course in musical instrument making in Markneukirchen combines handicraft instrument making traditions with modern scientific working and research methods to create an efficient and practice-oriented course of study. In a listed art nouveau villa, there are high-quality equipped workshops, modern laboratories and seminar rooms, acoustic measuring stations and an extensive specialist library."

Studiengang Musikinstrumentenbau Markneukirchen

Adorfer Straße 38, 08258 Markneukirchen, Germany

"The course of study Musical Instrument Technology is accepting students in the departments of bowed string instrument making, plucked string instrument making and bow making. The goal of this study is for the student to acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge and ability to enable him or her to design and construct high-quality, artistically shaped musical instruments. Prerequisite for a successful application to this program is above all practical experience and knowledge of musical instrument making."

ILSA violin-and guitar making school

Beukenlaan 44, Boom, Belgium

"ILSA, the International Lutherie School of Antwerp, is a full-time musical instrument building course that is unique in the Benelux. Individual coaching by a reputable team of teachers guarantees a broad and comprehensive training."

Cordaneum Et Ecole De Lutherie "Gauthier Louppe" - Marche-En-Famenne

Rue de la Station 4, 6900 Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium

Centrum voor Muziekinstrumentenbouw "Center for musical instrument building"

Guido Gezellestraat 89, 2870 Puurs-Sint-Amands, Belgium

"This School for Musical Instrument Building, called "Centrum voor Muziekinstrumentenbouw" (Cmb), based at Puurs, Belgium, is a training and documentation resources centre whose aim it is to spread and promote the knowledge and the richness of the craft.

They train people to become true professionals in the art of musical instrument making and provide opportunities for both those who either wish to top up their existing skills and those who wish to attend a particular session, workshop or lecture."

Violin Making School "Scuola Internazionale di Liuteria "

Via Colletta, 5, 26100 Cremona CR, Italy

Civica Scuola di Liuteria Milano

Via Noto, 4, 20141 Milano MI, Italy

Academia Cremonensis "Violin and Bow Making School"

Via Giovanni Maria Platina 66, Cremona, 26100, Italy

The training proposal of the Academia Cremonensis "Violin and Bow Making School" essentially consists in making each student participate in the largest number of practical workshop hours possible. The first two years of study (with over 4000 workshop hours each year) are used to learn the traditional Cremonese construction method and each student generally produces 3 or 4 instruments each year. During the third year of study each student is trained to define a personal style, win a competition and prepare for professional workshop life. Academia Cremonensis strongly believes in empowering each student's individuality and aims to make them financially independent, whereby any instrument produced remains with the student.

Ecole De Lutherie

5 Av. Graillet, 88500 Mirecourt, France

Houslařská škola - Cheb Violin Making School

603/26, Obrněné brigády, 350 02 Cheb, Czech Republic

Ikaalisten käsi- ja taideteollisuusoppilaitos - Ikata

Eino Salmelaisen katu 20, 39500 Ikaalinen, Finland

I.J. Paderewski Academy of Music

Święty Marcin 87, 61-808 Poznań, Poland

"The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music Poznan is a music academy founded in 1920 in the Polish city of Poznan. It is named after the pianist, composer and politician Ignacy Jan Paderewski."

Bele - Escuela Vasca de Luthería

Ibarrekolanda Plaza, 1, 48015 Bilbo, Bizkaia, Spain

This school teches the most usual techniques in repair and restoration techniques, construction and set up of a string quartet, as well as basis, rehairing techniques, maintenance and care, repairing and some basic bow restoration. Another basis of the new curriculum, a hallmark of our School is the learning of the basic concepts used in acoustics.

The curriculum also includes business environment & Practice and learning the basics of playing violin, viola, cello and doublebass.

Dutch School of Violin Making

Markt 17, 8754 CM Makkum FR, Dutch

Throughout the year, lessons are given in Makkum on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the week. The lessons on Tuesday are intended for starting violin makers and builders. The number of participants per day is limited to 12 (and on Tuesdays to 6) in order to give each builder sufficient time and attention.

Violin making schools Europe

Stiftung Geigenbauschule Brienz

Oberdorfstrasse 94, 3855 Brienz, Switzerland

"The three- to four-year apprenticeship at the Swiss Violinmaking School in Brienz is state-recognised and leads to a degree in violinmaking (Eidg. Fähigkeitszeugnis EFZ). Three apprenticeship places are advertised each year."

Lincoln College "Foundation Violin Making "

Turl St, Oxford OX1 3DR, UK

"Lincoln College is a college of the University of Oxford. The Bishop of Lincoln founded it in 1427 for the theological education of students. It has been little changed over the centuries due to lack of funds."

West Dean College - Arts & Conservation - Foundation Degree Arts – Musical Instruments

West Dean, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0QZ, UK

Merton College

Merton St, Oxford OX1 4JD, UK

"If you want to learn how to make a Guitar or Violin, then the specialist workshops are a great place to start. Merton College is one of the few places in the UK where you can learn this highly specialist craft of how to make musical instruments. They’re stocked with specialist craft tools as well as woodworking tools and equipment. Full-time courses for both guitar and violin making and repair are two days a week, while part-time is one day or one evening a week."

School of Musical Instrument Crafts - Newark College

43 Kirk Gate, Newark NG24 1AD, UK

"Our tutors bring considerable skills and experience as well as their understanding of current business practice and techniques, making our courses highly valued to students."

Violin making schools USA

Chicago School of Violin Making, Inc.

3636 Oakton Street, Skokie, IL 60076, USA

"The Chicago School of Violin Making offers a full time, three year course, preparing our graduates to start a career in violin making and repair."

Violin Making Scool of America LLC

304 E. 200 S. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, USA

"The Violin Making School of America was founded in 1972 by Peter Paul Prier in Salt Lake City, Utah. In this beautiful setting, the school provides you with a foundation of skills and knowledge on which to build a career as a Luthier. From their start in entry-level positions in violin shops, many of our alumni have gone on to join the elite of the profession."

The New World School of Violin Making

6970 Red Lake Rd, Presque Isle, WI 54557, USA

North Bennet Street School

150 North Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109, USA

The school offers both Full-Time programs, for those seeking intensive, career-oriented study, and Continuing Education classes, for those eager to learn a new skill or perfect an existing practice. They also partner with other institutions to teach traditional trades to young adults.

The school has used the same teaching approach for more than a century, but our course design is always evolving. They shape the course content around the recommendations of the students, graduates, employers, and artisans. The goal is to prepare the students for a successful career, where they will use hand skills to build objects that last.

Oberlin Restoration Workshop

Oberlin, OH 44074, USA

"The Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop is an annual two-week, intensive, graduate level program for professional violin makers. Participants are active in the profession and are expected to have completed a 4 year violin making program or the equivalent."

Minnesota State College Southeast, Red Wing Campus

308 Pioneer Rd, Red Wing, MN 55066, USA

American School of Lutherie

Portland, Oregon 97225, USA

Violin making schools Canada

Centre de formation et de consultation en métiers d'art (573.F1 – Lutherie, profil violon) (573.F2 – Lutherie, profil guitare)

299, 3e avenue, Québec (Qc) G1L 2V7, Canada

"Become a violin maker! Make, repair and adjust the sound of classical and contemporary violins. You will learn how to create the various components of the instrument with the help of specialised tools. Creativity and management courses prepare you to practice your work independently. This program is offered in partnership with the École nationale de lutherie (ENL)."

CVMI - Canadian Violin Making Institute

142 Hawk Eye Rd, Bragg Creek, AB T0L 0K0, Canada

"The Canadian Violin Making Institute offers exceptional year-round programming and instruction for aspiring Canadian and international luthiers. From summer, winter and fall programs to a 3-Year luthier apprenticeship, the CVMI will exceed your expectations in nurturing your creative aspirations. CVMI luthier, Christopher Tilman Sandvoss is available for the commission of his fine custom made instruments, string instrument repair and adjustments, sales on consignment, and consulting."

Violin making schools Asia

Tokyo School of Violin Making

4-6-13 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokio, 150, Japan

Central Conservatory of Music - Violin Making Center

Hochschule in Peking, 43 Bao Jia Jie, Xi Cheng Qu, Bei Jing Shi, 100032, China